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Introducing the #SarnaikChallenge

If you keep up with us on social media, chances are that you've seen at least one of our countdown posts this past week, leading up to today.

Now, we here at the HIGH Program are so excited to announce the #SarnaikChallenge!

In 2017, Drs. Ashok P. and Sharada Sarnaik — both of whom are professors at Wayne State's School of Medicine and pediatricians at Children's Hospital — created the Sarnaik Endowment benefiting the HIGH Program to “support these individuals during the times of their greatest needs, helping them reach greater heights.” The husband and wife duo pledged to match each donation to the endowment dollar for dollar, up to $100,000.

Now it's up to us! The #SarnaikChallenge seeks to raise $25,000 to match the most recent generous donation by the Sarnaiks.

So, why donate to the Sarnaik Challenge?
  • Since 2013, the HIGH Program has helped over 150 Wayne State University students who are homeless, precariously housed, or facing other significant financial stress that could jeopardize their chances at finishing a degree.
  • Since 2015, all the students that have been helped by the program have gone on to graduate — that's a 100% graduation rate for recipients of HIGH Program assistance!
  • Every donation that we receive allows us to continue to help struggling Wayne State students in a variety of ways. From tuition assistance to housing, food, childcare and more, the HIGH Program provides students in needs with the resources they need so that they aren't forced to choose between basic needs and completing their degree. 
  • But it's not all business! As part of the #SarnaikChallenge, donors will have access to different levels of awards corresponding to the amount donated — ranging from a personal thank you card from the HIGH team all the way up to a reception dinner with the President and First Lady of Wayne State University (with a bunch of other fun reward levels in between). Additionally, donors aren't required to choose a preset level: any amount helps!
Interested? Head over to the #SarnaikChallenge on WarriorFunder to pledge your support today! Offline donations are also an option; checks can be made out to the Wayne State University HIGH Program (make sure to write "Sarnaik Challenge" on the memo line!) and mailed to:
5475 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI
For more information on the HIGH Program and what we do, check out our website or contact us at

Thank you for your support in helping individuals go HIGHer!
