Adjusting to university life can be a struggle, especially when you’re stuck living in a room that feels a little like a cardboard box. Unfortunately, college students don’t always have a high decorating budget, so every day you come home to a frustratingly bland bedroom. However, there are some budget friendly ways to decorate your new home, or even just add a few personal touches. Create a Photo Wall A great way to add a bit of personal flair to a room without breaking the bank is to create a photo wall. Photo prints are surprisingly affordable, and one picture doesn’t cost more than a few cents. If you have a few nostalgic pictures that you would like to display in your room, the easiest and cheapest way to do so is to hang a photo wall. The best part about the photo wall is that it reflects you, your life and your experiences. Build a Temporary Headboard I know this sounds complicated, but it truly is incredibly simple. All you need is a piece of cardboard, some fabric, a...
Wayne State University's First Lady, Jacqueline Wilson, established the HIGH (Helping Individuals Go Higher) Program to ensure that students do not have to choose between financing basic necessities and earning a degree. The Program provides resources for students-in-need, such as housing support, textbook and other school suppliers, clothing, transportation, and child-care assistance.